New Year Resolutions

Unofficial Guild is challenging each Sabb to make a NY's resolution related to their role.

Answers on a postcard or more simply to


In other news, a few Sabbs haven't blogged for well over a month; getting a bit slack really.

President - Not blogged since 27th November

VPDR didn't blog between 23rd Nov and 5th Jan.

VPHC didn't blog between 31st Oct and 5th December.

HOWEVER - Unofficial Guild did really appreciate this post from the VPW;

"""""""monday, 4 january 2010

End of Term Report
I have written an end of term report but for some reason I cannot copy it into blogger. I will try and resolve this issue as soon as possible and get it posted on here tomorrow hopefully. For now though I even though I have had two weeks Holiday over Christmas I wanted to make sure I blogged within a month as Guild Policy indicates.

Happy New Year Everyone

In other other news,