Quotes of the week - suggestions welcome

Ed Bauer (EEO) keeps up the great blogging work with a fantastic line to describe the difficulty people often have getting motions through the 'organ of change' that is Guild Council and the lasting effects the experience can have on both campaigns and fitness freaks alike;

"Passing a motion through guild council - had the same effect on the campaigns momentum as a 20,000 ton train traveling east at 86mph would have on 12 stone 3lb jogger traveling east."



Fabian Neuner (President) clearly wanted to bring some realism back to the goals of the new climate change campaign 10:10

"I don't think 10:10 is a conspiracy to put pressure on China and India"



Emma Packham (VPSAD) promised that a revamped Student Groups meeting is worth the hype;

This may sound tedious, but it won’t be at all, it will be AMAZING (I promise!!)!!"



And finally, Ed Sparkes (VPHC) clearly is still struggling to find a life outside the Guild. Unofficial Guild offered to take him out for a drink last week and it seems he is now getting desperate for company, with his most recent blog starting with the blunt question of;

"Are you around in Birmingham?", before changing the subject and asking people to volunteer to save the planet. We feel for you Ed, and our previous offer of a drink still stands. Oh, what the hell, make it a pint and a half!

Naval Gazing

EEO Ed Bauer has hit out against new President Fabian Neuner before the new term has even started. Fierce arguments and disagreements about the roles of Officers within the organisation have been ongoing on blogs and everyone's favourite; Twitter.

Whilst Unofficial Guild is fully aware of the need for streamlining the structure of the Guild, we also believe that too much naval gazing leaves little time for true representation.

Either have a full blown, accessible discussion in TERM TIME about the merits of the trustee board and the leadership styles of officers; OR, more preferably sort any internal officer bickering out internally and not in public.

It may be a wacky suggestion but perhaps spend some time instead planning how to present the Guild to over 5000 new members in less than two weeks before they all slump into the unengaged majority category.