Tickled pink by new officers' musing

Quotes of the week

Ed Bauer (EEO) http://j15committee.baylott.org/2009/08/15/new-guild-officers-blogs/

"If you want to see a example of officer who according to her records didn’t do very much last year take a look last years president http://jenlarbiepresident.blogspot.com/"

Matt Ward (LGBTQ) http://matthewwardlgbtqo.blogspot.com/2009/08/nus-lgbt-officer-residential.html

"I've resolved to continue making useful contacts in local community, government...and wherever I can find allies to be frank."


Fabian Neuner (President) http://fabianneunerpresident.blogspot.com/

"The summer highlight for many Sabbatical Officers across the country is Active Political Leadership (APL), an NUS training course."

- really Mr.President? I mean really? not sunning oneself on a beach, enjoying a barbecue or even listening to Test Match Special?


and finally...

VPHC Ed Sparkes decided that "it's late, it's Sunday, why not?". You are forgiven for thinking, as we did, that he was planning an exciting drunken escapade or perhaps conversely working overtime to mastermind a new community initiative.

Instead, he produced this fetching portrait of his colleagues,

Maybe he needs some company. Unofficial Guild will buy you a drink Ed!

BUCF member spotted in Anti-Islam protest by Bullring

Unofficial Guild is led to believe a member of Birmingham University Conservative Future was spotted chanting amongst the ranks of the English Defence League, by a fellow student.

As Unofficial Guild is not aiming to reveal extremists or alternatively become GuildWatch, we will not release the name of this student. However, we do encourage BUCF to seriously discuss these protests within their ranks, due to many EDL members also featuring in high profile BNP events across the West Midlands throughout the last few months.

Several Birmingham students were involved in the counter-protests organised by Unite Against Facism.

Exclusive Mermaid Square Cover-Up

Unofficial Guild has discovered newly elected Women's Officer Esther Akinnuwa has been consulting students through the cliched medium of facebook, to canvas their views on Mermaid square's statue being bare chested.

We understand that Esther (who's fashion sense we adore) is planning to create a petition asking for the breasts of the mermaid to be covered up. One source also mused that the petition will form the basis for a Guild Council motion to be presented in October.

Concerns have also been raised about the smaller statue currently by the Spar shop.

School's out for the summer, but perhaps common sense is too.

Who the devil are you?

This blog is NOTHING to do with the Guild of Students officially.

It has not been endorsed by the organisation, its officers, staff, trustees or even the NUS.

It has, however, been set up by a group of likeminded individuals who have spotted a gap in the market for a cheeky, gossip-fuelled, scandal-ridden, politically agile and ultimately fun blog.

Our aim is to shed some thoughts on the debates that rage through the wonderfully draughty building that is the Guild.

Please do not take to heart any harmless fun we may poke at ideas, claims, views or such like.

We here at Unofficial Guild have seen a year go by with various blogs from officers, full of useful information and updates on what officers are doing day-to-day.

Yet hardly anyone commented, and those that did were not very interesting in their responses.

It all lacked that bit of shazam that Paul Daniels would have loved, a bit of sparkle.

So we aim to be that voice, the voice of Paul Daniels none-the-less.

We have many writers and all that is written is purely their personal views.

If you wanna get involved then drop us an email ;


Follow us on twitter @UnofficialGuild


Ps. Paul Daniels is still alive, so he still loves shazam – wrong tense was used - sorry if we shocked anyone.