BUCF member spotted in Anti-Islam protest by Bullring

Unofficial Guild is led to believe a member of Birmingham University Conservative Future was spotted chanting amongst the ranks of the English Defence League, by a fellow student.

As Unofficial Guild is not aiming to reveal extremists or alternatively become GuildWatch, we will not release the name of this student. However, we do encourage BUCF to seriously discuss these protests within their ranks, due to many EDL members also featuring in high profile BNP events across the West Midlands throughout the last few months.

Several Birmingham students were involved in the counter-protests organised by Unite Against Facism.


  1. I would very much doubt that a member of the Birmingham University Conservative Future member would be at an anti-Islam parade, unless he or she was there to protest against the parade.

  2. The Unofficial guild? For an "organisation" that is unable to spell "led" I find it very tough to believe this. The unofficial guild is led to believe that a member of the BUCF was at the parade? Led to believe? Who spotted them and then told you to the extent that you aren't able to confirm it. An obvious attempt at a smear. How utterly petty.

  3. They smeared the former president of BUCF why shouldnt they smear the members? The guild and their cronies are renowned for their underhand tactics toward anyone they deem a threat
